

You have to be in the cluster-admin ClusterRole to install all prerequisites, the operator and Sealed Secrets.


Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes OpenShift Container Platform OpenShift Container Platform Kubernetes Operator Lifecycle Manager

You have an up and running OpenShift Container Platform or Kubernetes cluster with Operator Lifecycle Manager installed.

Community Operators

Sealed Secrets Operator (Helm) is published to both OperatorHub’s for Kubernetes and OpenShift.


Visit OperatorHub.io and install the the operator as described after pressing the blue Install button. When the operator is up and running install Sealed Secrets with the provided Custom Resource Definition under View YAML Example, choose one of these k8s examples or create your own customization with configuration values that fit your needs.

OpenShift 4

In OpenShift 4 navigate to Administrator - Operators - OperatorHub and install Sealed Secrets Operator (Helm). When the operator is up and running install Sealed Secrets with the provided Custom Resource Definition under Create Instance, choose one of these ocp examples or create your own customization with configuration values that fit your needs.

Custom Operators

It’s also possible to install the operator via one of our provided custom catalogs for Kubernetes and OpenShift. Please visit the Guides sections Operator Installation - Operator Lifecycle Manager of this documentation for your platform with more information about this installation methods.